


What is Domino?


Domino is a set of rectangular plastic or ceramic tiles, usually twice as long as they are wide. They are marked with a variety of numbered arrangements, called spots or pips, which differ from one side to the other. Dominoes are most often used for games involving the placement of domino pieces end to end in such a way that the exposed ends match (i.e., one’s touch two’s or five’s touch sixes), or form some specified total.

The game of domino is a popular pastime, with a number of different variations on the theme. Some involve blocking other players from completing their plays, while others are scored based on the cumulative value of the exposed ends. The most common games use a standard double-six set, although extended sets with varying numbers of ends exist.

In addition to the scoring of points, some games are played in which a domino is laid so that its matching end touches another domino with an exposed end, thereby triggering a chain reaction of play. Each tile thus adds to the total of the connected dominoes, which are then arranged in a line, and a count made of the remaining numbers. Dominos are also used for pattern-matching or counting exercises.

Some domino games have additional rules, such as a maximum number of spots or pips on an end. These rules increase the complexity of the game and can change the outcome of a game.

The word “domino” derives from the Latin verb dominus, meaning lord of something. It is believed that the first use of the term in English was in the 15th century, when it referred to the dominion of God over the creation. The word was later used to refer to an absolute monarchy, a system of government in which the king had supreme power over every aspect of life.

Whether you are a plotter or a pantser, there is no question that writing a novel requires careful planning. Without a plan, you are likely to wind up with scenes that don’t advance the plot in a meaningful way. Like a domino falling from the sky, these scenes may feel out of place, or they may not have enough logical impact on the scene that precedes it.

When David Brandon was named CEO of Domino’s Pizza, he knew that it would take a major effort to turn around the company’s slipping fortunes. To start, he focused on Domino’s core values, including Championing Our Customers. This meant that he paid attention to customer complaints and responded quickly. He introduced new leadership training programs and spoke directly to employees to learn what they wanted from the company. He also implemented a relaxed dress code and reorganized the executive team to improve communication. These changes were the catalyst for a remarkable turnaround.